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2020 annual fee is 250kr
Including fee to Swedish Karate Association and accident/injury insurance.
(NOTE pay separately)
Try-training: One session 100sek
Payment info
Bankgiro 398-7633
Swish 123 193 51 39
Please state: Name, Surname, Adult/Child and training period
Children/youth under 20yrs
1month 300sek
3months 850sek
6months 1500sek
12months 2400sek
Adults over 20yrs
1month 400sek
3months 1000sek
6months 1800sek
12months 3000sek
Payment example
Adult 3 months:
Annual fee 250kr
+Training fee 1000kr
=Total sum 1250kr
Other info
Paus your monthly training 50kr/month
Perfect if you can't train for a longer period
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