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Policy for using texts and images
Swedish Karatedo Wadokai (SKW) Logotype is available to member clubs by requesting it from the registry. Below are the updated guidelines for using texts and images.
Texts and images may be reproduced only with proper credit to Shino Ohgami and Swedish Karatedo Wadokai.
SKW member clubs may use SKWs logotypes on webpages, printed media, in order to promote SKW.
SKW instanser inom förbundet, såsom förbundsledning, kommittéer, arbetsutskott samt distriktsförbunden, får använda logotypen i korrespondens, trycksaker, digitala kanaler och annat som beskriver, marknadsför eller återger verksamheten.
It is not permitted to use SKWs logotypes for individual profit or use.
Exeptions may be granted by the SKW board.
The logotypes must be reproduced in correct sizes and colors. Information can be ordered from the registry.